The Man Behind Majlis Ekuin Malaysia

Malek Jeremiah graduated as a teacher in 1959 and started his career at SKM Langkasuka, Yan (Jan-June 1960) before he was transferred to Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid (1960-1976).
Malek joined the Kedah Gymkhana Club in 1961 at the invitation of the Raja Muda of Kedah and took up the sport of Amateur Race Riding.

Newspaper cutting shows Dato’ Malek riding a Winner on a horse belonging YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj and led in by his nephew, the Al-Marhum Tuanku Abdul Malik ibni Al-Marhum Tuanku Sultan Badlishah, May 1973 at the Kedah Gymkhana Club. Malek went on to win on two more occasions on the same horse in Singapore and the Selangor Turf Club. (Source: The Straits Times. May 23, 1973)

Testimonial from Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Alhaj, recommending Malek for a position with Lembaga Totalisator as a Racing official.

Citation from YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj dated June 1960. Another accolade from YTH Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, Prime Minister of Malaya, thanked Malek (previously named Gilbert) for rescuing his son and sending him to the hospital who had met an accident near Sungai Petani.
Opted out from Government service with Project InSpire, a curriculum development project for Primary Schools, Universiti Sains Malaysia and joined the Malayan Racing Association in 1981 until 1998. Malek later joined Majlis Ekuin Malaysia on a full-time basis as the Executive Secretary until the current time, hitherto working on a part-time basis, with Pan Malaysian Pools who were responsible for the Secretarial and Financial matters.
Equestrian Involvement
- Assistant Secretary, Malayan Amateur Racing Association – 1970 -1975
- Secretary, Malayan Amateur Racing Association 1976-1982
- Secretary of the Kedah Gymkhana Club, 1974-1976
- Secretary of the Penang Polo Club 1977-1982
International Affiliation
- Representative Member of MEM in the International Group for Equestrian Qualifications (IGEQ) since 2002. Organized the 21st Annual General Assembly of IGEQ in 2013 and attended by delegates from Europe, South Africa and Australia at the Palace of the Golden Horses, Kuala Lumpur.
- Representative Member of MEM in the International Group of Horse Racing Academies (IFHRA) Abu Dhabi; as a non-voting member, proposed by Australia. The Perak Turf Club joined the Group as a Voting Member.
Malek was appointed as IFHRA Panel Member for Jockey Training and Welfare (Madrid, 2019) held in conjunction with the Annual General Assembly of the Internal Federation of Arabian Horse Racing. IFHRA agreed to nominate the Selangor Turf Club as a Centre for the Asian Region for upskilling activities for jockeys receiving IFHRA Scholarship. The proposed project had to be held in abeyance due to Covid-19 Pandemic. IFHRA sponsored Selangor Turf Club Jockey to participate in the Arabian Horse Racing Event in Algeria (2017) and to attend the Jockey Upskilling Course in Abu Dhabi, 2018.
Industry Contributions
1993 – Coordinated the First Horse Studies Course in Nov-Dec 1993 at the Selangor Turf Club conducted by Wangaratta College of TAFE, Victoria and attended by participants from the various; Uniformed Units; Turf Clubs; DVS, Equestrian Clubs and private sector.
1994 – Coordinated the purchase of 42 horses for the development of the sports under the direction Tan Sri Haji Fathil bin Datuk Ambak, the then Chairman of the Technical Committee, MEM. Recipients of Schoolmaster horses and Ponies: Penang Turf Club -; Perak Turf Club – 10; Selangor Turf Club – 10. Performance Horses were allocated to DBKL – 3; PDRM 3; SP&RC-3; 3 Q Equestrian – 3. Further placements of horses were made for the Riding in School Programme (RISP) and allocated to : RISP Jabatan Pelajaran Kelantan; Pahang and UTM, Johor.
1994 – Signed Coach Training Agreement with the Equestrian Federation of Australia (Equestrian Australia) for the provision of training and accreditation of Equestrian Coaches,
1994 – Organised the First Introductory Course in Farriery in collaboration with the Office of Racing, Queensland Government and conducted by Course Presenters from Brisbane College of TAFE for farriers with the Uniformed Units and the Equestrian Sector.
1996 – Coordinated development of the Coach Training Programme with the Equestrian Federation of Australia in 1996 at the Selangor Turf Club Equestrian Centre. Training Agreement for the use of intellectual property in coaching matters.
2002 – MRA passed a regulation requiring all farriers shoeing racehorses to acquire a qualification organized by MEM; the Singapore Turf Club or any other approved institution running farriery Training by Year 2006. The Equine Industry Development Project (EIDP) under the Chairmanship of Dato Dr. Anwar Hassan, sponsored a 4-year Programme from 2002 – 2006, to qualify farriers in the racing and equestrian industry for the Farriery (Trade) Certificate Level 3, conducted by Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE. A Master Farrier was engaged to upskill existing farriers from the racing industry, uniformed units and equestrian clubs.
2010 – Coordinated placement of 8 Certificated farriers to attend an upskilling course at South West Institute of TAFE, Glenorminston College to qualify for the Level 4 Certificate as Farrier Trainers and Assessors, funded by EIDP, LTM. (Farriers selected – Perak Turf Club -2; Penang Turf Club-1; Selangor Turf Club-1; DVS-1; DBKL-1; SIB-1 and MEM-1.
1996 -2022 – Developed the National Orientation Course in Basic Horse Care until the present time providing attendance certificates to more than 8,000 participants. January – March 2022 an additional 68 attendees.
2008 – Coordinated the development of the National Occupational Skill’s Standard for the Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) as follows:
- NOSS – Horse Care and Management for Horse Racing Industry Level 3
- NOSS – Horse Care and Management for Equestrian Sports and activities
- NOSS – Level 4 for Farriers
(Note: NOSS programmes were developed by industry personnel from the Racing and Equestrian Sectors)
2018 – Participated in the development of the Riding Therapy Certificate in collaboration with the Riding for the Disabled Association of Malaysia; University Perdana; UITM and NOSS – Level 2 and 3 – Riding Therapy
2019 – Organised the Horse Industry Forum sponsored by Lembaga Totalisator Malaysia in collaboration with Jabatan Perkhidmatan Haiwan Malaysia at the Everly Hotel Putrajaya and attended by over 200 participants. Speakers were invited from IGEQ Regional Representative, South Africa, Equestrian Australia Caching Director and the International Federation of Horse Racing Academies Representative followed by the signing of the training Agreement, Equestrian Australia for the 2020-2021 period.
2022 – Signing of Letter of Intent with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Graduate School of Business, MBA Programme) for construction of an arena for provision of Equine Assisted Therapy activities and training of undergraduates undertaking Occupational Therapy Studies
2022 – Signing for an MoU with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for the provision of training to 3rd Year Undergraduates in the Horse Care and Riding Modules of the Bachelor of Science Course in Equine Management. The signing ceremony was participated by the Vice-Chancellor of UTM and Chairman, Board of Directors, MEM.
Other educator figures with related qualifications that have also contributed to the equestrian activities at Majlis Ekuin Malaysia are listed below:
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